Monday, June 16, 2008

Pandora Radio

Pandora Radio is a great place to visit while killing time on the internet. Pandora is a completely free online radio which allows you to create your own station. You can type in an artist or song that you like, and Pandora will create a radio station based on music which is related. Then you can tell Pandora if you like the songs they pick or not. Based on your ratings of the songs, your station constantly changes to your liking. Pandora also allows you to skip up to 5 songs per hour. So if you don't like the song they pick, you can just move on. Pandora lets you have 10 radio stations up at all time. This gives you more options if you don't like a song. Just switch stations. There are also several basic genre related stations which you can customize by rating songs. Sign up is completely free and easy. You don't even have to confirm your e-mail. I think you will really enjoy this site. Listen to music for free while you waste time at the other web sites.
Listen to Free Radio Here

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